Dynamic QR code for keyless entry via a mobile app, designed to work with QR code access control readers.

Keyless entry with dynamic QR code via mobile app.
which includes features such as expiry date and temporary access permissions.

The QR code supports RS485 encryption security and WG 26, 34, 66. The system also supports multiple technologies including QR code, barcode, and Mifare CSN.

Additionally, it includes a Visitor Management System that allows visitors to gain temporary access through QR codes sent via email or hard copy, while tenants can access the system via QR code on their mobile app or Mifare CSN..

  • Timed access permissions
  • QR Code, Barcode, Mifare CSN multi-technology
  • Keyless entry, dynamic QR code from mobile App
  • QR Code supports RS485 (encryption security) and WG 26, 34, 66
  • Visitor Management System
    1. Visiting access by QR Code (E-mail / Hard copy)
    2. Residence access by QR Code mobile App / Mifare CSN
Products Specification


Card type: Mifare CSN
Verification time: 100ms
Power consumption: 150mA
Communication: RS485 or WG
Transmit distance: WG: 100M/ RS485: 1000M
ESD protection: +2.5KV
Built-in Watch Dog: Yes
Card Collision Algorithm: Yes
Mifare Card Reading distance: 0 ~ 5 cm
Buzzer: Yes
LED: Red/ Blue/ Green
Power requirement: DC 9 ~ 15V (150mA)
Operation Temperature: -20°C ~ 70°C
Dimension: 96 x 96 x 17.2 mm

QR Code Information


Image Sensor: 640 x 480 CMOS
Reading accuracy:
Barcode: ≧5 mil
QR code: ≧10 mil


Depth of field for barcode scanning:
EAN-13: 4.0~20.0cm
Code 128: 4.5~25.0cm
QR Code: 4.0~18cm

Barcode symbology

QR code: EAN13, EAN8, UPC-A, UPC-E0, UPC-E1
Barcode: Code128, Code39, Code93, CodaBar, Interleaved 2 of 5, Industrial25, Matrix 2 of 5, Code11, MSI Plessey, RSS-14, Restricted RSS, Expanded RSS


Ordering information
E: EM 125KHz
M: Mifare 13.56MHz
H:HID 125KHz
Web Server, supported by Chiyu Technology's SOMAC Central management software. Access Control and Time & Attendance. Features like anti-passback, user accession, group accession, door setup by verification methods

All products with 2 years warranty.